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Coronavirus No Case: 35 days of corona in Jharkhand, total cases 122, but do you know when new corona case did not come?

Coronavirus No Case: 35 days of corona in Jharkhand, total cases 122, but do you know when new corona case did not come?

RANCHI: Today is the 44th day of lockdown in Jharkhand (Jharkhand) and 35 days have passed for Corona. So far 122 Coronavirus positives have been found. Of these, 28 patients have become healthy, while three patients have lost their lives (Coronavirus Death). At present, the active cases are 84. The highest number of 67 corona positives have been found in the hotspot Hindpiri (Hindpiri) of Red Zone Ranchi. During this, three days also came when no new Coronavirus No Case was revealed in the state.

covid19,Sample collection center Ranchi

                               35 days of Corona in Jharkhand

In Jharkhand, with a population of 125 crore, 43 days of lockdown have passed. Today is the 44th day. Lockdown is the second day of 3.0. The first case of Corona in Jharkhand came on 31 March. When a 22-year-old Malaysian girl was found Corona positive from Hindpidhi, a hotspot in Red Zone Ranchi, who was living in Hindpirhi after joining the Tabligi Jamaat in Delhi. At present, this woman is healthy. In the last 36 days from March 31 to May 5, the number of corona infections in the state has increased to 122. Three have died, while the good news is that 28 corona infected have become healthy. The comforting thing among all of these was that there were three days when Corona positive reports did not come from any district of the state. After two days of relief, on May 5, 7 new corona cases came from Ranchi's hotspot Hindpiri.

Coronavirus No Case: 35 days of corona in Jharkhand, total cases 122, but do you know when new corona case did not come?

On April 21, that is, on the 22nd day of Corona in Jharkhand, the good news came that for the first time in Jharkhand, no case of corona has come out from any district. On this day, 680 samples were collected for investigation. In these 445 samples were examined. Everyone's report came negative. This is the first time when not a single corona positive case has occurred. By 20 April, the number of corona-infected patients in Jharkhand had risen to 45, while 4 patients had recovered and two had died.  
Covid19 Ranchi Update

                  Breath of relief on 34th day, new case not found
Relief news for Jharkhand came again on the 34th day. On May 3, 364 samples from across the state were investigated. All the reports came negative in this. On this day, a total of 310 samples were collected from across the state. Not a single case was found positive on this day.

Relieved for second consecutive day, 35th day relief.......

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