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Corona in Jharkhand: Mother-son found corona positive in Dhanbad, 2 new cases in Jharkhand today, 156 so far; Learn the latest situation

Corona in Jharkhand: Mother-son found corona positive in Dhanbad, 2 new cases in Jharkhand today, 156 so far; Learn the latest situation

Covid19 Jharkhand

Ranchi, State Bureau. Dhanbad Coronavirus News Update PMCH Dhanbad has confirmed 2 corona infects on Saturday. With this, the figure of Corona positive in Jharkhand has reached 156. Both the cases of Corona are from Kumardhubi area of ​​Dhanbad. It is reported that they are both infected mother and son. He returned from Mumbai. The Health Secretary has confirmed infection in both of these Corona patients. Preliminary information is that both the mother-son had returned from Mumbai on 7 May. These people are residents of Jamadoba 

Here on Friday, after receiving 22 corona patients on the same day, the administration has become fully alert. In Garhwa, the pace of investigation has been increased in view of the possibility of corona infection among migrant laborers returning from other states after 20 migrant labourers were found to be corona infected. Health Secretary Dr. Nitin Madan Kulkarni has also said that the risk of corona infection increases with the return of migrant labourers. Here all the Corona investigation centers of Jharkhand have been instructed to expedite the sample investigation.

Cronavirus found in jharkhand

Corona infection in the state is not taking its name. On Saturday also its 2 new patients were found in Dhanbad. Both patients are mother-son. This was confirmed in the investigation conducted at PMCH in Dhanbad itself. According to the health department, both new patients found in Dhanbad had returned from Mumbai. With two new patients, the number of corona infections in the state has increased to 156. let you informed  that in Dhanbad, two patients have been found earlier. However, both patients have now recovered from beating Corona.

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